Teddy Knitting Pattern
The Pattern is simple for those who knit and can make good use of small pieces of wool left over from major projects carried out during the year.
You will need:
- No 10 (3¼mm) needles
- Double knitting wool in four colours: Colour 1 for the head and paws Colour 2 for the trousers Colour 3 for the jumper Colour 4 for the scarf.
- A Kit is available in our shop. This includes: needles, 4 skeins of wool and a printed pattern.
Finishing: Please stuff the teddy with either polyester or other healthy padding. Foam rubber is not recommended as babies/young children might chew it.
Do not use buttons or beads or anything hazardous which may become detached and be a hazard to young children.
Teddy Body
- Cast on 10 garter stitches main colour.
- Knit 10 rows Continue in garter stitch for 30 rows in trouser colour. Leave on spare needle and make another leg in the same way.
- Knit across all 20 stitches and work 16 rows.
- Change to jumper colour and knit 24 rows.
- Change to main colour for head and also change to stocking stitch 5 ½ inches (14cm)
- Change to jumper colour and knit 24 rows.
- Continue remainder of Teddy in reverse order and cast off.
- Stitch down the sides of the head.
- With jumper colour, pick up 8 stitches either side of the neck join (16 in all) and knit 20 rows.
- Change to main colour and knit 10 rows for paws and cast off.
Teddy’s Scarf
- Scarf : Cast on 75 stitches in colour 4.
- Knit 4 rows and cast off. Or make the scarf as long as you want.
- The scarf helps secure Teddy’s head
- Tie scarf on Teddy at the back of the neck, close to the jumper edge. Don’t sew down at the front.
To Complete
- Turn right side out and sew diagonal top corners for ears before stuffing.
- Sew up Teddy leaving opening in crotch. After stuffing, run a thread through the knitting around the neck to draw it in.
- Sew a happy face and for mouth use either stem stitch or back stitch.
Please make sure your teddies are sewn up very securely and scarves are not just attached with a couple of stitches at back of neck! Scarves MUST be sewn all the way around back of neck. ONLY NEW STUFFING AND WOOL PLEASE!
Teddies are made by volunteers and donated free of charge to children who need a smile due to trauma, illness or difficult circumstances. They are made with love and bring a smile to the face of a child.
Please note if you are a volunteer knitter, Teddies must be made to safety standards including no loose threads, only sewn faces, no buttons etc, to ensure safety. Please note only new clean stuffing is to be used., this can be toy stuffing or from NEW pillows.
You can purchase a Teddy Kit in our shop. This includes Knitting Needles, 4 skeins of wool and a printed pattern.
Earn service hours for each donated Teddy. Check out all Volunteer Now’s Virtual Volunteering Opportunities and loads more.
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