When last did you do something for someone else that wasn’t expected of you?

I’m talking about a completely random act, like paying for someone’s groceries or helping them pack their packets into the car and returning the trolley.

Or running a bath for your mum because she had a long day schlepping you to school and extra murals!

Being kind does not require money. It such requires some thought until it becomes a completely natural state of being.

Here are a couple of ideas – some more random than others

•             Leave a note on the door for the elderly, homebound, or immune-compromised neighbour with your contact information if they need anything.

•             Send a book, letter or gift to a front-line worker.

•             Make and freeze meals for friends or causes in need.

•             Offer to buy a meal for a friend in need (via Uber Eats, Checkers 60/60 etc)

•             Send a care package snack box to a college student, friend or family member stuck away from home.

•             Offer to pack food bags for those in need and then drop them off at Volunteer Now to be distributed.

•             Start a Facebook Live and read to kids stuck at home, in a shelter, or at a hospital.

•             Make blankets for shelter pets.

•             Clean off your bookshelf and donate the books to nursing homes and shelters.

•             Pick up trash near your house or in a local park.

•             Check out an animal shelter’s wish list and send/drop off some items.

•             Make cards for kids in hospitals.

•             Host an online fundraiser for a local charity.

•             Send gift cards to shelters, animal shelters, or friends in need.

  • Sign up to ‘My School Card’ at Woolworths and select your preferred cause. It doesn’t cost you anything and your chosen cause gets a small percentage of your spend. This can be a significant monthly contribution if enough people sign up.

At Volunteer Now we’d love you to send in your random acts of kindness and ideas to share with everyone, so we can start to make the world kinder!

Read our blog on why kindness is important to you and the person you are being kind to.

Follow our social media platforms for ideas, subscribe to our blog, like share and comment and above all – Be Kind!